If you are interested in reading more about this topic, you can find more in the “Habit 3” chapter of the book. The Project Prioritization Matrix Excel Template, now available for free download.

You may have heard of this type of prioritization from reading Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People.” In his book, Covey calls the matrix a Time Management Matrix, but the idea is the same. Learning how to use this framework could save you time and efforts, while preserving the quality and focus of your project. It is known by many other different names, including “Eisenhower Method,” “Urgent/Important Matrix,” and “Time Management Matrix.” The matrix has 4 quadrants that categorize tasks based on Urgency and Importance. The MoSCoW prioritization method is a useful tool to sort through the requirements of a project and determine which features should be implemented in the final release or product. One approach is to add stars or exclamation marks next to the high-priority tasks. Eisenhower who used it throughout his military career and presidency to prioritize and keep track of his many tasks and duties. Prioritized To Do List Template Prioritized To Do List Download a prioritized to do list for Microsoft Excel or PDF - Updated There are many methods for noting the priority of different tasks in your to do lists. Project Task List with Gantt Chart for Excel Download Excel (. It uses a similar technique for the checkbox in the Done column. It was made popular by President Dwight D. Description This task tracker template demonstrates the use of custom icon sets via conditional formatting to show a priority rating of 1-4 with different color circles. The Eisenhower Matrix is a useful tool for prioritizing your to-do lists. This matrix template allows you to map which stakeholders have high or low influence over and interest in your project.